How can I get help from a Librarian?


Your Librarians are always here to help you!

We can help you find sources for your papers and projects, cite those sources, and make sure that you are using good, credible, reliable, accurate resources for all of your needs.  We can also help you with general information, finding books and movies for entertainment, and referrals to other departments across Northeast State and the community at large. 


There are several ways you can get help from librarians.

  1. If you are on the Blountville campus, come visit us at the Research and Information Help Desk on the third floor of the library.
  2. Librarians visit the other campuses several times each semester.  Find dates and times on the Library Events Calendar or check the various campus calendars. 
  3. You can call us anytime the library is open.  Call the main library number - 423.354.2429 - and ask to speak to a librarian.
  4. You can Chat live with a Northeast State librarian!  Look for a tab or button on all library website pages to Chat with a librarian.  You will get to chat live with one of YOUR librarians, not a nameless librarian form somewhere on the Internet.  We can share links, send and receive documents, and help you in a live conversation at your convenience.  This service is available during regular library hours.
  5. You can send us a question.  Don't have time to chat?  Is the library closed?  Send us a question using the easy form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.  Visit Ask a Librarian and select Submit a Question.  You can even attach a document if you need us to check your citations or overall formatting.
  6. You can send us an email.  You can send an email to and we will get you an answer as soon as we can.



  • Last Updated Jan 19, 2022
  • Views 323
  • Answered By Amy Lippo

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