How do I find books and other materials in the library?


To find materials (books, videos, cds, etc.) that are available in the library, use the library catalog.  You can find the link to the catalog in the bar across the top of the library home page.

  1. Type your search terms in the search bar and hit enter or click on the search icon.
  2. To limit to items PHYSICALLY ON THE SHELVES at Northeast State, choose Held by Library from the AVAILABILITY list under Tweak my Results to the left of your search results.
  3. Use the other limiters as you need to get the results you want.
  4. To see more information on an item, including where it is shelved and if it is currently available, click on the title.
  5. To access an eBook, streaming media, or online article, click on the title of the service providing it.  If you are off-campus, at KCHE, or on some of the wireless networks you will have to log in to access these materials.
  6. You can have materials sent to you at all campus locations, including high schools in which you are dual-enrolled.  To learn more about this service, see our FAQ on delivery.

For assistance with using the catalog, you can contact a librarian through Ask a Librarian.


  • Last Updated Jan 19, 2022
  • Views 104
  • Answered By Amy Lippo

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